Advanced Maintenance Technician Benefits

Industrial roboticsThe advantages of the AMT   Co-op include a completed AAS degree in Engineering Systems Technology that is complemented by two years of invaluable, relevant work experience. Also, participants will have a stable, good paying part-time job while earning their degree. This can help them to complete their college degree with little or no educational debt.

What's in It For YOU?

Higher Education
Attain an Associates of Applied Science Degree in Engineering Systems Technology.
Debt Free Education
Earn, over two years, as much as $39,000 to cover educational expenses, making the education DEBT FREE. Estimated cost of degree is $14,000 and there are also potential grants, scholarships, and other financial aid options available. This educational opportunity is covered under the Tennessee Promise.
Gain up to 2 years relevant workplace experience with a consortium partner while going to school.
Good Paying, Stable Job While at JSCC
Begin at $17/hr. with raises, for advancing participants, each term.
Career Security
Skilled labor shortage leads to job security.

Jason Bates, Administrative Manager at TOYOTA|Bodine Aluminum, Inc., and a consortium member, has commented that during the economic slowdown over the past several years, individuals who have had the technical training and expertise to maintain manufacturing operations have had no unemployment issues. According to Bates, "the number-one unfilled job opening during the 'Great Recession' has been skilled technicians." What is worse, there are not enough people being trained or seeking to be trained to fill these positions.