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Banner Access Management Policy

JSCC Policy Number: Not Yet Assigned

TBR Policy Reference: 4:01:05:50

TBR Guideline Reference: G-051, G-053, and G-054

Approved By: Dr. Bruce Blanding

Original Date Effective: 2015-03-01

Last Modified: N/A

Responsible Office: Human Resources & Office of Information Technology


The purpose of this policy is to establish standards related to terminating employee Banner access within three (3) business days of the date of termination. The full process of terminating and removing access will be done within three business days.

This policy applies to all users (full time employees, student workers, adjunct employees, temporary hourly employees, etc) who have met the requirements to obtain access to the Banner system.


  • lnternatlve Banner Account (INB) - accounts that provide access to the ERP system (Human Resources, Student, Finance, and Financial Aid) through the main GUI, not Self Service Banner (SSB). Security access must be requested.
  • Self Service Banner (SSB) - security access to SSB is given to a user by their role (employee, student, faculty advisor, etc.) at the institution.
  • Access request/change form - form that must be completed to acquire access or change security on a Banner INB account. This form can be found on jWeb.

Creation of Accounts

Banner INB accounts are created when an access request/change form has been completed and signed by the appropriate personnel including the data security officer responsible for the requested data.

Modification of Banner Access

Security on Banner Accounts may need to be changed on a periodic basis especially if an employee changes positions or job duties. Many times changes that occur during updates require that additional privileges be granted to a user. To modify or change security access on a Banner INB account an access request/change form must be completed and signed by appropriate personnel including the data security officer responsible for the requested data access.

Deletion of Banner Access

While the Human Resources Office is not required to approve all access request/change forms, it is the responsibility of the Human Resources Office (HR) to notify the Office of Information Technology (OIT) of all terminations so Banner access can be terminated. HR conducts exit meetings with all full time employees at the point of termination or exit from the college. HR will notify OIT at the point of the exit interview that the employee's access should be terminated on their last day actually worked.

HR relies on managers to inform them of the last day worked for all part-time staff within twenty four hours. Not all part time employees work the entire period listed on the approved job contract. Therefore, it is critical for managers to inform HR of each part-time employee's actual last day to work.

Banner accounts are expired and locked when Human Resources notifies Information Technology that the user is no longer employed by JSCC.

Banner accounts are also locked and expired when a user has not logged into the system within 120 days. When this happens the user must contact Information Technology to gain access. Locking and expiring the account on an active user may lock SSB access. If this happens the user needs to contact Information Technology for assistance.

General Procedures

This policy will be posted to JSCC internal website and each employee is responsible for reading and noting any changes to the policy.