Honors Program Reading List to be Released

Apr 20th, 2018

The Honors Program at Jackson State Community College will release the annual recommended summer reading list Tuesday, April 24 at 9 a.m. at a reception held at the college's library.

"We created the Honors Program Summer Reading Recommendations as a not so subtle way to encourage students to read more books," said Dr. Bob Raines, coordinator for the Honors Program. "We believe reading can be a profoundly enriching experience. In a sense, it represents a statement of values - our faculty value reading and consider it a worthwhile leisure activity and a valid way to pursue knowledge and understanding about our physical, social, and psychological worlds. It is also an interesting way to get to know more about our colleagues by having a window into their reading preferences. It has become my go-to list when I am looking for the next book to read."

The list contains fiction and nonfiction books recommended by college faculty and staff; it is available to students and the public on the college website.

"I feel that books and reading are essential to students who wish to gain knowledge. Not just reading in one's academic discipline, but to read other ideas and viewpoints that are not totally in synch with our own philosophies is very important," said Scott Cohen, director of the JSCC library.

The Jackson State library acquired copies of each book for library patrons.

"I think it is an amazing opportunity for the library to offer books for the Honors Reading List. This reading list is a wonderful way of keeping students engaged in learning throughout the summer. Creating consistent reading habits ensures lifetime learners," said Robyn Hicks, circulation and instruction librarian.

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