Jackson State Leaders Accepted to WestStar

Nov 14th, 2013

Two Jackson State directors have been selected to participate in the WestStar leadership program. Amy West, Director of Human Resources, and Sandy Stanfill, Director of the Lexington Center, were notified at the first of this month that their applications to the program had been accepted.

Amy West

WestStar is a leadership program that accepts an elite group of individuals with a common bond of educational, economic and social development in the West Tennessee area. According to the WestStar website, 'the WestStar mission is to identify, encourage and equip community-minded people who want to become more involved, want to help West Tennessee become a better place, and are willing to accept assertive and dynamic leadership roles.' Those participating in the program learn new leadership skills and strategies that assist communities in solving problems. Networking is also a key component of the program. Participants have the opportunity to become a vital part of a growing network of leaders from West Tennessee.

The selection process starts with an application that is then reviewed by the Board of Trustees who is responsible for choosing participants. There are many things that go into the selection process such as leadership achievements and the candidates potential to contribute to the development of the region. Other factors considered are occupation, diversity and level of community and regional involvement. There is only one class selected each year. Candidates are notified by the first of November and attend sessions that run from December through June.

Sandy Stanfill

The leadership class meets at least once every month over the 7-month program. While the program is administered through the University of Tennessee at Martin, locations vary monthly throughout the West Tennessee area. A variety of topics are covered including economic development, public policy, and social issues along with many other relevant subjects.

WestStar serves the 21 counties of West Tennessee by providing leadership development and training. Participants have the opportunity to take part in more than 100 different presentations including private briefings, special presentations, skill development and demonstrations. Class participants are required to attend all sessions including the graduation banquet.

Congratulations to Sandy and Amy on their acceptance to this great program and the opportunities that this brings to them. For more information about the program, visit the website at http://www.utm.edu/departments/weststar/index.php.

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